Teenage Dreams: Dancing After High School Ends

Four Reasons To Consider Joining an Adult Beginners Ballet Class

Even more so than other types of dance classes, ballet lessons are usually associated with children—but they don't have to be! There's actually a thriving adult ballet beginners scene out there, with plenty of lessons open to adults of all experience levels, body types and abilities. Learning ballet as an adult can be a powerful experience, and gives you a unique opportunity to learn how to use and move your body in ways you never thought possible.

Ballet isn't a partnered tradition, making classes more flexible

Many of the dance styles open to adult beginners are partnered traditions, like salsa or ballroom. These are great styles of dance, but they do require you to have a partner to attend lessons with. Ballet is learned solo, making it a great choice for anyone who would rather go it alone or doesn't have someone in their life who would like to learn how to dance alongside them.

You'll have an opportunity to learn with all the pressure off

Ballet has a bit of a reputation for being a high-pressure environment, but for adult beginners, the focus is squarely on individual progress and dancing for fun. There are grades and performances if you want to take part in them, but they're entirely voluntary and usually very laid-back. Learners who found ballet stressful as children sometimes find that it's a healing and liberating experience as an adult. The ethos of adult ballet lessons is fun, exercise and improvement, not achieving a certain standard.

Adult classes cover a huge variety of learners from all walks of life

Because the mood of an adult ballet lesson is so relaxed, they attract all sorts of people. You'll find a wide variety of ability levels, body types, genders, sexualities and levels of experience in each class, giving you a great opportunity to meet new people in an environment where you don't have to feel self-conscious. You may find that learning a new skill in an environment like this is a great step forward for your own body image and self-confidence.

It's a full-body workout that exercises your mind as well

Like all styles of dance, ballet is an excellent workout. If you're someone who struggles to focus in the gym and gets bored while running, dance is a great way to improve your fitness while also occupying your mind; there's plenty to think about, and your brain will be as engaged as your muscles while you're trying to learn new steps and moves.

Contact a studio like Annette Langham School Of Ballet to learn more about adult ballet classes.